Announcement: New Blog on Stock Trading

This post is to announce that, instead of using this website to blog my trading stuffs, I have created and started blogging about how to buy stocks in my newest blog..


This is a blog where I will share my way of trading, starting with a business plans, money management, method to time the market, and also on the psychology of trading.

Visit and see if this topic interest you.

Meanwhile, I will still post some technology post here, and also on my other website youfix.in

Have a good weekend!


Books Recommended for Stock Trading

it's been about a year since I was getting serious in learning about stocks trading..
I have reading so many books (I didn't like to read a few years back).. some books are good.. some aren't so good.. well, so far the books that have gotten my attentions are listed below..
Get these books and read it religiously and make summary of the important points when you finish reading them..
Super Trader - van Tharp
The Complete Turtle Trader - Michael Covel
How to Make Money in Stocks - William O'Neil
Way of Turtle - Curtis Faith
Trading in the Zone - Mark Douglas
Happy reading!