Google Chrome: Incognito Setting

Browsing Privately using Google Chrome

Since Google released the new-kid-on-the-block browser, namely Google Chrome, I have been using it quite often together with my primary browser. Since writing a review about it would require certain amount of time, I would review some features that will be helpful to you. Incognito is absolutely one of them.

If you are familiar with Private Browsing feature in Safari or the new InPrivate Browsing in IE8, the feature of Incognito in Chrome would be more or less the same.

When you open a window in incognito mode (Ctrl+Shift+N), your cookies from the standard session are no longer available and you can easily log in to a new Google account. The Google Operating System has a little bit of description about this feature:
"Webpages that you open and files downloaded while you are incognito won't be logged in your browsing and download histories; all new cookies are deleted after you close the incognito window. You can browse normally and in incognito mode at the same time by using separate windows."

To open this in Google Chrome:
  1. Look at a button next to the address bar that when you hover it you will see "Control the Current page"
  2. Choose New Incognito Window
  3. The Incognito Window will appear
Tips: Keyboard shortcut is Shift+Ctrl+N

Hope this helps.


Software: Picasa Creates Collages

Create Collages with Picasa

If you like to document loads of pictures and enjoy editing them, making collages (a combination of photos) using Picasa, which is a free software from Google, would be really fun.

These are examples of what I did recently using Picasa (pardon me if you hate Chelsea FC, but I am a big fan of them ;p).

To start off, you need to download Picasa if you have not installed it in your computer.

You can watch this one-minute video to get the idea of how to do this.

The simple step you need to do:
  1. Select the pictures you wish to collage (Tips: use Ctrl+click if the pictures are not well-organised in your folder)
  2. Go to Create -- Picture Collage
  3. You can then change the type, and edit it as you ike.
  4. Save it once you are done.
Tips: to change the order of the photos, you can click o on the preview window. If you want to change the layout of the picture, shift+click on the preview window.

Hope this helps.


Disable Enable Google Suggest

How to Enable/Disable Google Suggest

Though I would think Google Suggest is a great tool a Google user would love to use, I understand not all users would need this feature. Therefore this article is a quick tutorials on how to enable/disable Google Suggest.

To do this, follow these simple steps:
  1. On the Google.com page, click Preference
  2. Scroll down, at end of the options, you should find an option to enable/disable Google Suggest. Tick this option as you like (to disable to enable)
This is what it should look like.

Hope this helps.

Google: Suggestions in Search

Enhance your Searching with Google Suggest

If you have read my post on CustumizeGoogle a few months ago, you will have notice that the addition of Google suggest when you are searching would be of great help, especially if you use Google.com more that any other website in a day.

Just at the end of last month, Google had 'graduated' Google Suggest from its Lab so that now Google users would be able to apply this feature. As you write you search terms, the Google Suggest would give you relevant suggestions that you may find useful.

Here is one shot I took to give you a better idea of what I am talking about.

According to the Google blog, this feature would help in reducing spelling errors, save keystrokes and help in formulating queries.

Personally, this feature help me when I am looking for a terms which I am not sure how to spell. Just a week ago, I was looking for some video of Germany and Bayer Munich player, Bastian Sch%^Personally, this feature help me when I am looking for a terms which I am not sure how to spell. Just a week ago, I was looking for some video of Germany and Bayer Munich player, Bastian Sch%^$&*#(%, and this Google suggest really helped me to find it easier and faster. By the way, now I can spell the name correctly, thanks to Google Suggest too. The player is one of my favorite, Bastian Schweinsteiger.
amp;*#(%, and this Google suggest really helped me to find it easier and faster. By the way, now I can spell the name correctly, thanks to Google Suggest too. The player is one of my favorite, Bastian Schweinsteiger.

If you are wondering how to disable this feature, you can read my other post about disabling Google Suggest.

Hope this helps.