Disable Enable Google Suggest

How to Enable/Disable Google Suggest

Though I would think Google Suggest is a great tool a Google user would love to use, I understand not all users would need this feature. Therefore this article is a quick tutorials on how to enable/disable Google Suggest.

To do this, follow these simple steps:
  1. On the Google.com page, click Preference
  2. Scroll down, at end of the options, you should find an option to enable/disable Google Suggest. Tick this option as you like (to disable to enable)
This is what it should look like.

Hope this helps.


  1. This doesn't work to disable suggestions. It only disables them for the current session. What an irritating, useless and hindering feature. Don't they test these things? Has Google hired someone from the MS Vista team?

  2. @ Bob..

    Well, before I posted this post, I have tried it and fully convinced that it works. Even after reading you post, I did it again, and the suggest is disabled throughout, no only for the current session.

    Well, you might check these..

    first, If you have any other software that can bring in suggestions (like CustumizeGoogle) you might need to disable it too..

    Or, if you set your Cookies to be Disabled, then your setting preferences will not work if you close your session. So in order to let this work I guess you need to enable your Cookies if you Have disable it..

    Link to CustomizsGoogle page

    Link to how disable Cookies

    Hope this helps Bob


  3. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Thanks u r information

    its very useful

  4. Thanks for all the nice tips you have been provided for us, the-not-so-handy-with-computers-type-of-person.
