I will keep this article simple. No picture, no video.
Well, maybe you know that if you want to change the size of your fonts, you would need to go to Control Panel, then bla bla bla.. ( I won't elaborate on this as I am about to tell you a faster way).
This is the faster way:
- Press your 'Ctrl' button on your keyboard
- Then using your Mouse WHEEL, scroll it up to make the size smaller or scroll it down to make it bigger.
- Done
Some useful websites that I visited often have really small fonts and it looks even smaller in my small-sized laptop. This trick keeps my eyes from tiring.
Tips: If you use a mouse with no wheel, sorry dude, I suggest you to get the one with wheel. (This is not really a tip, huh? ;p)
Done. As promised, no picture, no video. Hope this helps you.
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Perfect! and so simple, too. Thank you.