Customize your Gmail Colours

Gmail has made one awesome improvement such that now Gmail users are able to customizise their own gmail page with their own favourite colours. The Google Blogscoped explained that you can make Gmil as ugly or pretty as you want.

The steps are simple:
  1. From yout Gmail page, go to Settings
  2. Choose Theme
  3. At the last choice of theme, click Choose your own colours
  4. Pick the colours of your choice.

by. ToyangQren
More articles on Toyang Qren's another blog.

1 comment:

  1. It's a great tool and everyone can support my version, because to many users have a gmail account. Gmail Mobile is a version of Google's Gmail email service. It is a free service, developed to provide access to Gmail from mobile devices such as cell phones, or smartphones. 23jj
